Relaxation or Sedation Dentistry
No matter how gentle we try to be, we still encounter patients who are terrified of any kind of dental work. Even a simple checkup or the mention of a certain word can make some people tremble with fear. Anxiety or fear of the dentist should not keep you from receiving the care you need and deserve. A sedation dentist can help ease these anxieties and minimize pain and discomfort. Please call us to discuss your situation, or just arrange for a friendly and casual meeting to get to know our dentists with the understanding no work will be performed.
Manage the Anxiety Over Visits with a Trusted Sedation Dentist
Oral hygiene and dental care are essential to your body's health. We want to ensure that you get the treatment you need. It is possible to come to these appointments without the anxiety you would normally feel during a visit.
Sedation is a safe, comfortable way to have your teeth cared for. With sedation dentistry, or relaxation dentistry as it's commonly called, you won't feel any pain or discomfort. A significant number of patients do not even remember some or all of the treatment they've received!
Thoroughly Trained Sedation Dentist
From March 2013 to March 2014, Dr. Jason worked with the Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Department at the Medical College of Georgia, providing conscious sedation and outpatient deep sedation services for patients undergoing Wisdom Teeth Removal, Dental Implants, and Oral and Facial Surgery. This sedation training vastly exceeded the requirements by the state of Florida to obtain an IV conscious sedation permit.
Variety of Sedation Options Available in Office
Dr. Jason and our facility have a conscious sedation permit and are licensed and inspected by the dental board. We offer nitrous oxide (laughing gas), IV, and oral sedation. Depending on your level of anxiety you can be given a pill to take an hour before your appointment, or we can administer intravenous sedatives in office.
Throughout the entire procedure; your heart rate, oxygen levels, exhaled CO2, and vital signs are carefully monitored. Sedation will allow you to comfortably make it through your dental appointment and achieve that new bright smile you have always wanted.